Set up your Email Templates

In the  circuly Operations Backend you get access to editable email templates that you can set up and once set up, forget about. All transactional communication emails are automated and only need to be set-up once. When you perform actions like processing refunds, charging one-time transactions and so on, emails for invoices, reminders etc will be automatically sent from the backend.

Let’s set up your email templates and the associated settings.


  • Go through the guide about email templates and their triggers
  • Set up email templates
  • Add email address and name for “from” and “reply to” settings
  • Add a BCC email list
  • Configure additional email settings

1. Go through the guide about email templates and their triggers

Check out the Miro board that explains how Email Templates  triggered here.

2. Set up email templates

Emails can only be sent if an Email Template is set up.

Once you’ve gone through the different email templates available in the  circuly Operations Backend and how they are triggered, you can then set up the templates you want.

Read the article about How to set up email templates here.

3. Add email address and name for “from”and “reply to”

Emails are always sent from an email address and a name and often have a reply-to address if it’s not a “do-not reply” email address. In the  circuly Operations Backend you can define the “from”, and “reply to”, email address and name. To add this information:

Log in to your  circuly Operations Backend  > Go to Settings >  Emails > GENERAL and do the following:

  • Add an email address in the Sender email address input field. This email address will be used by the email template to automatically send emails to your customers.
  • Add a name in the Sender Name input field. This name will be displayed in the inbox of your customer as the Sender’s name.
  • Add a Reply-to email address and add a reply-to name. This email address and name will appear in the reply-to tab in the email that your customer gets and this is the email that they can use to reply to your emails if they want to.

4. Add a BCC email list

You can get copies of emails sent from the Email Templates in the  circuly Operations Backend  to email address(s) specified in this list. To add a BCC email list > Log in to your  circuly Operations Backend  > Go to Settings >  Emails > GENERAL > BCC list > Click on the “+” icon > Type emails separated with a comma in the input field.

5. Configure additional email settings

Once your email templates are ready and set up, continue to the email settings to customise the communication flow as per your business needs.

To access the settings go to Settings > Emails. The settings are segmented between Order, Subscription and payment Notifications. Under each segment you'll find additional settings options related to the specific operations.

Here's an example: Under Subscription notification, you will find settings options such as not sending the subscription ending email for subscriptions with durations of less than one month, sending emails when certain actions are performed on the subscription such as sending the "Subscription ended" email when subscription is marked as returned.

Here are a few settings options to get you started:

  • Disable sending the "Subscription almost over" email for one-month subscriptions: for subscription duration of less than or equal to a month, sending the Subscription ending email is by default disabled. If you offer one-month subscriptions and would like to send a Subscription ending email when the subscription is about to end, you can enable this setting.

  • Sending an email confirmation for ended Subscriptions - you can enable this setting if you want to send the "Subscription ended" email from the email template. When this is enabled and the subscription ended email is sent, the subscription is automatically marked as returned. To send an Email from the Email Templates, you need to turn on this switch and also set up the emails in the email templates.
  • Sending an email reminder when subscription is ending soon - when this setting is enabled the “subscription ending soon” email is sent to the customer from the Email template. To send an Email from the Email Templates, you need to turn on this switch and also set up the emails in the email templates.
  • Days calculation before ending - Your customers get the subscription ending soon email "x" days before the actual date of their subscription end. The numeric value in this field determines the number of days before which the subscription ending soon email will be sent to the customer. Example: if the subscription is ending on 31st March 2022 and the number in the Days calculation before ending input field is 10, then your customer will receive the subscription ending soon email on 10 days before the actual date of the subscription end, that is, on 21st March 2022.
  • Reminder for upcoming recurring payments - if you enable this setting you customers will get a payment reminder email from the email template, 3 days prior to the actual date of charge.

IMPORTANT: Emails from the email template can only be triggered and sent to your customer if the switch for the email category is enabled and the email template is set up.

❌ If the switch for (example) Orders is disabled and the email templates for Order related actions are set up = emails will not be trigged and sent.

❌ If the switch for (example) Orders is enabled and the email templates for order-related actions are not set up = email will not be trigged and sent.

✅ If the switch for (example) Orders is enabled and the email template for Order-related actions are set up = emails will be sent.

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