
FAQ's about the circuly solution.

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the circuly software below. The sections are split up according to the 3 modules of circuly.
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Key Questions.

circuly Operations Backend.

What is my starting point in the circuly operations backend?
What is the Order List?
Can I track an individual product’s history?
Where is my customer data stored?
Where are order invoices stored?
When can I use tags?
Can I customise the email templates freely?
Can I add more users to the operations backend?
Where can I report bugs?
What can I do with the To-Do’s page?

Customer Support.

What do I do when a customer makes use of the right to revoke and cancel an order before it was fulfilled?
What do I do when customer requests to replace a product?
What happens if a product of a customer does not come back within 2 weeks time?
A customer was accidentally charged, what can I do to cancel the transaction?
How can I give my customer a discount on payments?
Where can I check if my customer has received the mail?
My customer has not paid the bill, what can I do?
Customer wants to extend her/his subscription, how do I do that?

circuly Checkout.

How do I change the currency?
Can we customise the input fields in the checkout process?
If a product in my shop is out of stock, can my customer still proceed to the payment on the checkout page?
Where can I report bugs?