Charge the Initial Payment Manually

Published on
January 18, 2023
Written by
written by Garima Singh

Charge initial payment is a feature available in the circuly operations backend that lets you manually charge the initial payment. The reason why you may want to manually charge an initial payment could be because you use the delayed charge feature or if there has been some issue with the Payment Service Provider that prevented circuly from charging the initial payment when the order was placed on your white-label checkout.

Note: Typically, subscriptions can only be created if the initial payment has been charged. If you use the delay charge feature you will be required to charge the initial payment before you can create a subscription for an order.

However if you have enabled the "Allow unpaid subscriptions" setting subscriptions can be created/started without having to manually charge it. In this case the circuly automatically triggers the payment service provider to charge the initial payment.

To charge the initial payment manually follow these steps:

From the Customers Tab

  • In your circuly Operations Backend > Go to the Customers Tab > Click on the corresponding customer.

  • In the Customer Overview Window > Under ORDERS, click on the three dots to display the menu options.

  • From the menu options > Click on Charge Initial payment

  • In the Charge initial payment window > Type a message in the Message to customer input field (Optional). The message will be sent as an in-line text to the customer with the x email.

  • Once you’re ready click on the CHARGE x,xx € button. 

From the Orders tab:

  • In your circuly Operations Backend > Go to the Orders Tab > Click on the corresponding order.

  • In the Order Overview Window > Click on the three dots in the top right corner to display the manu options. 

  •  From the menu options > Click on Charge Initial payment. 

  • In the Charge initial payment window > Type a message in the message input field (Optional). The message will be sent as an in-line text to the customer with the x email.

  • Once you’re ready click on the CHARGE x,xx € button. 

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Charge the Initial Payment Manually

Charge initial payment is a feature available in the circuly operations backend that lets you manually charge the initial payment. The reason why you may want to manually charge an initial payment could be because you use the delayed charge feature or if there has been some issue with the Payment Service Provider that prevented circuly from charging the initial payment when the order was placed on your white-label checkout.

Note: Typically, subscriptions can only be created if the initial payment has been charged. If you use the delay charge feature you will be required to charge the initial payment before you can create a subscription for an order.

However if you have enabled the "Allow unpaid subscriptions" setting subscriptions can be created/started without having to manually charge it. In this case the circuly automatically triggers the payment service provider to charge the initial payment.

To charge the initial payment manually follow these steps:

From the Customers Tab

  • In your circuly Operations Backend > Go to the Customers Tab > Click on the corresponding customer.

  • In the Customer Overview Window > Under ORDERS, click on the three dots to display the menu options.

  • From the menu options > Click on Charge Initial payment

  • In the Charge initial payment window > Type a message in the Message to customer input field (Optional). The message will be sent as an in-line text to the customer with the x email.

  • Once you’re ready click on the CHARGE x,xx € button. 

From the Orders tab:

  • In your circuly Operations Backend > Go to the Orders Tab > Click on the corresponding order.

  • In the Order Overview Window > Click on the three dots in the top right corner to display the manu options. 

  •  From the menu options > Click on Charge Initial payment. 

  • In the Charge initial payment window > Type a message in the message input field (Optional). The message will be sent as an in-line text to the customer with the x email.

  • Once you’re ready click on the CHARGE x,xx € button.