Manually Mark Payment as Settled

Published on
January 25, 2024
Written by
written by Garima Singh

Mark as settled is a feature available in the circuly Operations Backend, that enables a user to manually mark a payment or invoice as "settled".

Theoretically, all payments that have not been charged yet, can be marked as settled. This includes, both, payments that are to be triggered by the circuly system in your connected Payment Service Provider and payments that are managed outside of circuly.

Payments that are managed by circuly, do not need to be manually charged as they are first auto-settled by the circuly system.

However when payments are managed outside of circuly (such as payment via invoice), the mark as settled feature enables you maintain full transparency on your payments in circuly.

Marking the payment as settled will assign the "paid" status to it, but no charge will be made.

You can mark a payment as settled either from the Subscriptions tab or the Recurring Payments tab.

Subscriptions tab

In your circuly Operations Backend > Go to the Subscriptions tab > From the Subscription List select the subscription with the payment you wish to mark as settled > Scroll down to the RECURRING PAYMENTS section > Click on the three dots to display the action menu > Click on Mark as Settled.

Confirm your action by clicking on the MARK AS SETTLED button.

Recurring Payments Tab

In your circuly Operations Backend > Go to the Recurring Payments tab > From the Recurring Payments List find the payment you wish to mark as settled > Click on the three dots to display the menu options > Click on Mark as settled.

Confirm your action by clicking on the MARK AS SETTLED button.

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Manually Mark Payment as Settled

Mark as settled is a feature available in the circuly Operations Backend, that enables a user to manually mark a payment or invoice as "settled".

Theoretically, all payments that have not been charged yet, can be marked as settled. This includes, both, payments that are to be triggered by the circuly system in your connected Payment Service Provider and payments that are managed outside of circuly.

Payments that are managed by circuly, do not need to be manually charged as they are first auto-settled by the circuly system.

However when payments are managed outside of circuly (such as payment via invoice), the mark as settled feature enables you maintain full transparency on your payments in circuly.

Marking the payment as settled will assign the "paid" status to it, but no charge will be made.

You can mark a payment as settled either from the Subscriptions tab or the Recurring Payments tab.

Subscriptions tab

In your circuly Operations Backend > Go to the Subscriptions tab > From the Subscription List select the subscription with the payment you wish to mark as settled > Scroll down to the RECURRING PAYMENTS section > Click on the three dots to display the action menu > Click on Mark as Settled.

Confirm your action by clicking on the MARK AS SETTLED button.

Recurring Payments Tab

In your circuly Operations Backend > Go to the Recurring Payments tab > From the Recurring Payments List find the payment you wish to mark as settled > Click on the three dots to display the menu options > Click on Mark as settled.

Confirm your action by clicking on the MARK AS SETTLED button.