Mark as Fulfilled

Published on
January 3, 2024
Written by
written by Garima Singh
Tip: This process can be automated via our customer API. This is the POST request you can use that you can use for marking order as fulfilled.

For Bulk Update follow this link:

When your customer completes the checkout process and finalises the order, an order is created in your Shopsystem and in the circuly Operations Backend. To start collecting recurring payments, a subscription needs to be created for the order.

In the circuly Operations Backend, you can find multiple ways to create a subscription. circuly provides you both, manual and automated workflows for creating a subscription.

The decision to choose a manual option or an automated one depends on the number/quantity of incoming orders and the amount of control you want over the operations.

Available options for creating a subscription:

  • Creating a subscription from the Orders tab (manual)
  • Creating a subscription from the Customers tab (manual)
  • Using the "Bulk Update" option to create subscriptions (manual)
  • Using the "Mark as fulfilled" option to create subscriptions
  • Using the "Bulk upload" option to create a subscription

In this article we’ll go over the Mark as fulfilled option. For all other ways to create a subscription, refer to this article: All Different Ways to Start a Subscription in the circuly Operations Backend 

Mark as fulfilled

You can automate the process of creating a subscription by making the subscription create process dependent on the "Mark as fulfilled" button.

Typically the mark as fulfilled button is used to indicate that an order has been successfully delivered. Fulfilling order is part of the shipping process. You want to use the fulfilment function to mark that the order item has left the warehouse.

However it can also be used to automatically create subscriptions.

If you enable the Auto activate subscription setting in your Settings then subscriptions will be automatically started after they are marked as fulfilled by a circuly user.

To access the setting > Go to Settings > Subscriptions > CREATE SUBSCRIPTION > Enable the switch for Auto activate subscriptions.

Note: The subscription start date value will be taken from the Auto activate offset setting. Make sure that you define the value in the respective setting. 

What does ‘mark as completed’ do?

  • The mark as completed will change your order’s status from open to fulfilled
  • It will trigger the order fulfilment email if you have set up the template + activated the settings for it. (setting:  All order-related emails + Order fulfillment completed)
  • It will update the status for the customer in the self-service portal as well from open to fulfilled
  • It can trigger an automated subscription start if you have enabled the settings for it.

(setting: Auto activate subscriptions)

What set-up is necessary for the fulfil order function?

  • Please check the email template. 
  • Please check the settings. 
  • If you would like to automate this step via the API, follow the set up instructions here
  • You can also mark every order as fulfilled automatically when a subscription was started (setting: Fulfil order when all subscriptions are created)

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Mark as Fulfilled

Tip: This process can be automated via our customer API. This is the POST request you can use that you can use for marking order as fulfilled.

For Bulk Update follow this link:

When your customer completes the checkout process and finalises the order, an order is created in your Shopsystem and in the circuly Operations Backend. To start collecting recurring payments, a subscription needs to be created for the order.

In the circuly Operations Backend, you can find multiple ways to create a subscription. circuly provides you both, manual and automated workflows for creating a subscription.

The decision to choose a manual option or an automated one depends on the number/quantity of incoming orders and the amount of control you want over the operations.

Available options for creating a subscription:

  • Creating a subscription from the Orders tab (manual)
  • Creating a subscription from the Customers tab (manual)
  • Using the "Bulk Update" option to create subscriptions (manual)
  • Using the "Mark as fulfilled" option to create subscriptions
  • Using the "Bulk upload" option to create a subscription

In this article we’ll go over the Mark as fulfilled option. For all other ways to create a subscription, refer to this article: All Different Ways to Start a Subscription in the circuly Operations Backend 

Mark as fulfilled

You can automate the process of creating a subscription by making the subscription create process dependent on the "Mark as fulfilled" button.

Typically the mark as fulfilled button is used to indicate that an order has been successfully delivered. Fulfilling order is part of the shipping process. You want to use the fulfilment function to mark that the order item has left the warehouse.

However it can also be used to automatically create subscriptions.

If you enable the Auto activate subscription setting in your Settings then subscriptions will be automatically started after they are marked as fulfilled by a circuly user.

To access the setting > Go to Settings > Subscriptions > CREATE SUBSCRIPTION > Enable the switch for Auto activate subscriptions.

Note: The subscription start date value will be taken from the Auto activate offset setting. Make sure that you define the value in the respective setting. 

What does ‘mark as completed’ do?

  • The mark as completed will change your order’s status from open to fulfilled
  • It will trigger the order fulfilment email if you have set up the template + activated the settings for it. (setting:  All order-related emails + Order fulfillment completed)
  • It will update the status for the customer in the self-service portal as well from open to fulfilled
  • It can trigger an automated subscription start if you have enabled the settings for it.

(setting: Auto activate subscriptions)

What set-up is necessary for the fulfil order function?

  • Please check the email template. 
  • Please check the settings. 
  • If you would like to automate this step via the API, follow the set up instructions here
  • You can also mark every order as fulfilled automatically when a subscription was started (setting: Fulfil order when all subscriptions are created)