Replace the Order ID Generated by Circuly With the Shopify Order ID
The circuly generated Order ID can be replaced with the Shopify Order ID. The reasons why you would want to do are given below:
- You want to cross reference the Order ID in email communication to your customers and want that the value for the Order ID variable is the same.
- You do not use the email templates provided by circuly or use additional emails to communicate with your customers in combination with the email templates provided by circuly.
Technical info about Order ID
As you already know, when an order is placed on your connected white-label circuly checkout, an order is created in the circuly Operations Backend and in your connected shopsystem. The order that is created in the circuly Operations Backend has an Order ID attached to it. The order ID is created by the circuly system. However, the order that is created in your Shopify shopsystem has an order name which may also be referred to as the order ID but has a different value than the order ID created in circuly.
Order ID vs Order Name
The "order ID" is generated by circuly. Whereas the "order name" is the order ID generated by Shopify for every order that is being created.
Usage of Order ID
The order ID generated by circuly is used as a variable in the email templates and displayed in the Self-Service Portal.
When should the order ID generated by circuly replaced by the order name from Shopify?
When you want to cross-reference, it is recommended to have the same value for the order ID. Additionally when you send additional emails to your customers, that are not provided by the circuly email templates, it can make sense to replace the circuly order ID with the Shopify order ID so that your customer doesn't get confused as a result of mismatching numbers.
To replace the circuly order ID with the Shopify order name > Edit all the emails that you typically send to your customers in the circuly email templates and replace the order_ID variable with the order name variable.

The order name is displayed in the following places:
1. Order confirmation email

2. Customer Self-Service Portal