Setting: Auto Cancel Subscription
Your customers can make cancellation requests either from the Customer Self-Service Portal or by getting in touch with your customer support.
Cancellation request via Customer support
When they get in touch with your customer support, you have full control over how you want to cancel the subscription and if you want to cancel it. This process is manual as it requires a circuly user to cancel the subscription manually from the circuly Operations backend.
Cancellation request via Customer Self-Service Portal
However when cancellation requests are made from the Self-Service Portal, a few actions can be taken by the circuly system depending on your setting.
One setting that influences what happens when a customer makes a cancellation request is the Auto cancel subscription setting.
The Auto cancel subscription setting is disabled by default and can be made active by turning on the switch.
Scenario overview
Here’s an overview of the different cancellation situations and their implication based on the Auto cancel subscription setting:
Cancellation within early cancellation period and interaction with the Auto cancel subscription setting
Scenario 1
- Auto cancel subscription setting enabled.
- Customer makes cancellation request from the customer Self-Service Portal.
- Cancellation request is within the early cancellation period.
- Customer selects “immediately” as an option to return the product.
Result: The auto renew button is turned off (if it was originally in an active state), the subscriptions gets cancelled and the subscription status is set to pending return to trigger the return workflow.

Scenario 2
- Auto cancel subscription setting disabled.
- Customer makes cancellation request from the customer Self-Service Portal.
- Cancellation request within the early cancellation period.
- Customer selects “immediately” as an option to return the product.
Result: The auto renew button is turned off (if it was originally in an active state), the subscriptions gets cancelled and the subscription status is set to pending return to trigger the return workflow.
You might have noticed that the state of the "Auto cancel subscription" setting has no impact if the cancellation request is made within the early cancellation period and the the option selected by the customer to return the product is "immediately". This is because the customer has the right to cancel the subscription if the cancellation has been made within the early cancellation period and therefore the auto cancel subscription setting has no impact on the cancellation request.
Scenario 3
- Auto cancel subscription setting enabled
- Customer makes cancellation request from the customer Self-Service Portal.
- Cancellation request within the early cancellation period.
- Customer selects “after minimum duration” as an option to return the product.
- The auto renew button is turned off (if it was originally in an active state).
- The subscriptions gets cancelled and the subscription status is set to pending return to trigger the return workflow.
- You see the tag cancelled by customer to denote that the cancellation has been made by the customer and that the cancellation will be processed on the end date.

Scenario 4
- Auto cancel subscription setting disabled.
- Customer makes cancellation request from the customer Self-Service Portal.
- Cancellation request within the early cancellation period.
- Customer selects “after minimum duration” as an option to return the product.
- The auto renew button is turned off (if it was originally in an active state).
- The subscriptions DOES NOT get cancelled and the subscription status IS NOT set to pending return.
- You see the tag cancelled by customer to denote that the cancellation has been made by the customer and that the cancellation will be processed on the end date.

Cancellation outside of early cancellation period and interaction with the Auto cancel subscription setting
Scenario 5
- Auto cancel subscription setting enabled
- Customer makes cancellation request from the customer Self-Service Portal.
- Cancellation request is outside of the early cancellation period.
- Customer does not see an option to return the product and only sees the cancellation reasons field.
- The subscription status is set to pending return to trigger the return workflow and the tag cancelled by customer to denote that the cancellation has been made by the customer and that the cancellation.
- The "Auto renew" button in the Subscription overview window is turned off so that the subscription doesn't renew
- The minimum subscription period is ignored and the subscription sets cancelled.
Scenario 6
- Auto cancel subscription setting disabled.
- Customer makes cancellation request from the customer Self-Service Portal.
- Cancellation request is outside of the early cancellation period.
- Customer does not see an option to return the product and only sees the cancellation reasons field.
- The subscription status IS NOT SET to pending return and remains in an active state. The tag cancelled by customer is assigned to denote that the cancellation has been made by the customer and that the cancellation. Additionally the tag cancelled on end date tag is assigned to denote that the cancellation will be processed on the end date of the subscription.
- The "Auto renew" button in the Subscription overview window is turned off so that the subscription doesn't renew.
Learn more about the entire cancellation process in this Miro board to understand actions taken by a user and by your customer for cancellations.