Setup Metafields in Shopify

Metafields enable you to customize the functionality and appearance of your Shopify store by allowing you to save specialized information that isn't usually captured in the Shopify admin. You can use Metafields to display specialised information on your website/online store in a variety of ways. For a renntal/subscription business using metafields helps to define whether a product is a “rented” product or a “bought” product.

The following rules can be applied to the product to map if its a “rented” product or “bought” product:

  • Subscription >  true / false, if the product is a rental or not
  • subscription_length >  the subscription duration
  • subscription_period > daily / weekly / monthly / yearly

There are two ways of setting this up:

  1. For every single product one-by-one
  2. Bulk action

Here’s how you can setup metafields:

For every single product one-by-one.

  • Install the Metafield Guru app to your Shopify store.
  • In your Shopify store > Go to apps > Metafield Guru App> Home > And click on Products.

Screenshot of Shopify backend to show the metafields feature

  • Select a product from your product list.
Screenshot of Shopify backend to show the metafields feature

  • Click on variants (as shown in the image below).

Screenshot of Shopify backend to show the metafields feature
  • For each variant click on Create metafield > Paste information as shown in the image below.

Screenshot of Shopify backend to show the metafields feature

Bulk action

For bulk action, filter all variants and map them with the conditions mentioned above. You can filter them by Product ID, Product Name etc.

Screenshot of Shopify backend to show the metafields feature

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