Edit the Customer Information

Published on
August 24, 2022
Written by
written by Garima Singh
Tip: This process can be automated via our customer API. This is the PUT request you can use https://api-docs.circuly.io/docs/customers-api-docs/vmtn0hvkkbc79-update-a-customer that you can use for updating the customer information.

Customer information can be edited either by your customer in the Customer Self Service or by a circuly user in the Customers and Orders tab.

  • Email and phone number can be edited in the Customers tab.
  • Address and birth date can be edited in the Orders tab.

Why is it not possible to edit all customer related information in one place?

The reason why not all customer related information is editable in the same place is because, a customer can have multiple orders and subscriptions under their profile. A customer may only want to change the address of a particular order for a particular subscription and not the overall address. For this reason the personal details of the customer such as phone number, email, address (shipping and billing) can be edited but not in the same place.

1. Edit the email address and phone number of a customer

  • To edit the email address and phone of a customer go to the Customers Tab > Select a customer from the Customer List you want to edit.
  • In the Customer Overview go to DETAILS on the right side > Click on the edit icon (the pencil).
  • In the Edit customer window > Change the details.
  • Check the checkbox for I consent and click on the SUBMIT button.

Screenshot of the edit customer window in the circuly operations backend

  • You can see the latest change under DETAILS.

Screenshot of the customer overview in the circuly operations backend

2. Edit the address and birthday of the customer

  • To edit the address and birthdate of the customer go to the Orders Tab > Select an order from the Order List you want to edit.
  • In the Order Overview go to DETAILS on the right side > Click on the edit icon (the pencil).
  • In the Edit customer window > Change the details.
  • Click on the SUBMIT button.

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Edit the Customer Information

Tip: This process can be automated via our customer API. This is the PUT request you can use https://api-docs.circuly.io/docs/customers-api-docs/vmtn0hvkkbc79-update-a-customer that you can use for updating the customer information.

Customer information can be edited either by your customer in the Customer Self Service or by a circuly user in the Customers and Orders tab.

  • Email and phone number can be edited in the Customers tab.
  • Address and birth date can be edited in the Orders tab.

Why is it not possible to edit all customer related information in one place?

The reason why not all customer related information is editable in the same place is because, a customer can have multiple orders and subscriptions under their profile. A customer may only want to change the address of a particular order for a particular subscription and not the overall address. For this reason the personal details of the customer such as phone number, email, address (shipping and billing) can be edited but not in the same place.

1. Edit the email address and phone number of a customer

  • To edit the email address and phone of a customer go to the Customers Tab > Select a customer from the Customer List you want to edit.
  • In the Customer Overview go to DETAILS on the right side > Click on the edit icon (the pencil).
  • In the Edit customer window > Change the details.
  • Check the checkbox for I consent and click on the SUBMIT button.

Screenshot of the edit customer window in the circuly operations backend

  • You can see the latest change under DETAILS.

Screenshot of the customer overview in the circuly operations backend

2. Edit the address and birthday of the customer

  • To edit the address and birthdate of the customer go to the Orders Tab > Select an order from the Order List you want to edit.
  • In the Order Overview go to DETAILS on the right side > Click on the edit icon (the pencil).
  • In the Edit customer window > Change the details.
  • Click on the SUBMIT button.